Download our App

Our App is a Progressive Web Application (PWA). This web-based software behaves like a mobile app, working on any device with a modern web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. It offers features similar to native apps, such as working offline and sending notifications, and it’s easy to use across different devices.

How to Install on Android

To install our Progressive Web App (PWA) on your mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser on mobile and type in the URL
  2. Tap on the ‘Add to Home Screen’ prompt or button. This can usually be found in the browser’s menu options. If the prompt doesn’t appear, tap on the 3 vertical dots found at the top right of your screen and select ‘Add to Home Screen’.
  3. A prompt will appear, asking if you want to add the app to your home screen. Confirm the action.
  4. The PWA will be installed on your device and can be accessed from your home screen just like any other app.

How to Install on iPhone

  1. Open your web browser on mobile and type in the URL
  2. Tap on the up arrow found at the bottom or top right of your screen. Tap ‘Add to Home Screen’ prompt or button.
  3. A prompt will appear, asking if you want to add the app to your home screen. Confirm the action.
  4. The PWA will be installed on your device and can be accessed from your home screen just like any other app.

How to install on Desktop

The process of installing our Progressive Web App (PWA) on your desktop is similar to how it’s done on mobile devices, with slight variations depending on the browser being used. Here are the general steps:

  1. Navigate to the PWA you wish to install in your desktop browser.
  2. Look for an ‘Install’ prompt or button, typically located in the address bar or browser menu. (This icon looks like a little computer screen with an arrow pointing down).
  3. Click on it, a prompt will appear asking if you want to install the app.
  4. Confirm the action, and the PWA will be installed on your desktop, accessible like any other installed software.